Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 110 – Journey’s End

We were up at 5:30; we didn’t sleep so well…must be nerves. Miguel, Dolores and Lluvia were kind enough to drive us to the airport in Morelia. There was only one plane in sight in the very small airport. We weighed in at 25.9 kilos, which is .9 over the limit and they actually made us take out the .9 and transfer to our carry-ons. So, the same total weight in the plane. Help me out with this one.

Houston airport had a Starbucks and there was money left on the gold card…shaping up to be a great day. We headed for Chicago O’Hare and realized that there was a flight leaving for Rochester in 20 minutes. We changed our tickets and caught the early flight. Lynnie picked us up and we went Magnolias. Pizza and Scotch Ale for me and Ceasar salad for Leah.

We got home and Edie and Jim were there. Dad came over and Jose, Ann Marie and Indiana stopped in. Derrick Lucas came a little later. We settled into our big, comfy bed. We must admit…it was really awesome. But don’t worry…we’re focused.

Thanks to all of our friends and family for following our life and commenting on our writing. We hope it was interesting and encouraging. Please stay in touch until the next chapter. Our email addresses are below.

Day 109- The Penultimate

Yes, I burned my left leg
Well, we’ve reached the end of our brief voyage.  We had posole for breakfast (left over from the day before). Then, we went up to the roof to do family worship and catch some rays. It was a hot one…again. After an hour we had to head for the shade. Fortunately, Miguel sent Miguelito down to the fridge for some cold Corona’s with lime. After we were nicely burned we got ready to go to the centro again.

Miguelito, Erik & Jasiel waiting to leave

We wandered around taking pictures and doing some shopping, then some eating. More pictures, ice cream and then back to the house. It really is a nice, old city with lots of beautiful buildings and architecture. There are aqueducts that run through the center, fountains and statues.

Hope you don't want ketchup - this is the only condiment
available in Mexico-hot sauce

It's a little unnerving when these guys drive by while you're
eating - never saw that in Europe
Aquaducts that Morelia is famous for

Some of the friends from their hall stopped over to say goodbye and then went to bed around 11-we had to be up by 5:30 to fly out.