Sunday, August 3, 2014

...And then there was none water that is. It seems we may not have known how to use the contraption and while Erik was "preheating" it it turned bright red inside and shorted out. Seriously. Lol. But fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, a cold shower is just like riding a bike, well maybe not just like it. More like a riding on a cold, rainy day.

Despite the fiasco we did manage to make the 8:15 group for preaching. It's similar to Ecuador in that the get their 2.5 hours in by 11, u go back home for "almuerzo" (lunch). Wednesday  Neuria, the sister that lives in the apt behind us made us lunch. I met her at 7am when she knocked on the door with yogurt and bread and wanted to make us bfast. Super sweet! She goes to a sign language cong but is moving to serve where the need is greater in Guanacaste (a different province in Costa  Rica ). 
We went back out at 2 with Doris to do some rv's. We went up the mountain a bit which is really pretty bc u can see San Jose in the distance.

She wanted to take Erik on a guy that always says he doesn't speak Spanish but he wasn't home:( she also took Erik on a visit with a small store owner who has some family in the truth and seems disposed to talk. We went back sat with the teach bk to continue the conversation about the kingdom. We met his wife and he asked for r email so he could stay in touch- he emailed a few hours later so we will see.

Thursday service again. The territory here is a bit tough bc the work it so frequently that many don't answer and then u see them when u r on the other side of the street. And u have to yell "Buenos Dias" bc everything is gated and u can't get close to the door let alone knock. No doorbells hardly...definitely no house numbers ...nor street names. It's amazing how they are able to keep track of territories and not-at-homes here. I can only imagine how many nh slips they go thru bc u can only fit about 4 on each page by the time u describe the house color, color of the metal gates and any other pertinent details for the poor publisher that will have to try to work the nh's. And there is always at least 2 pairs working house over  house, if not 4 or 5 or 6. The streets r like a maze that slowly wind up the mountain-no nice neat little blocks.

In the afternoon I went with Neuria on a study with the mom of one of her students who is hearing and Erik did a study for the coordinator who was in pioneer school. As soon as we got home we changed and started helping Neuria pack up and move. Just to heighten ur stress, besides not having dollies or u-hauls, imagine the the sister from around the corner who  was gonna move in standing there with arms full of stuff while we r moving things out. Then she "hijacks" the brother who came to help and next thing I know he's back and his truck is full of her stuff. To ad insult to injury no one in the neighborhood had a ratchet to take the bed frame apart. In case ur wondering, there's no where to call for pizza when ur done so we made dinner and ate at 10:45pm...u do the math:)


  1. Hi Erick and Leah, thanks for continuing your blog. It is such a privilege to go where there is a need and those who can't can experience it in a small way through your blog. I am sure Jehovah and his heavenly organization are being entertained also.

  2. Joe really enjoyed that hot water story..he says it's like turning on your hot water heater at home with no water in it..or something like that, what do I really know!!! We love your wonderful to read about the loving interchange of encouragement you are experiencing and to have it passed on to us. Your posts make me laugh and bring tears to my eyes all at the same time:)

  3. Hey guys Paige and I are so happy you guys are having such a great time, it looks so beautiful from the pics, the brothers and sisters there seem so nice and hospitable.

  4. Also glad to hear the coffe is good. Don't be scared to send us som haha. I've successfully turned Paige into a big coffee drinker

  5. Glad you are enjoying the blog. We have been in an area without good internet service so we haven't been able to post, so we will be uploading several in the next couple of days. We will see what we can do with the coffee. Another cool thing here is the creamer. It is dehydrated and in powder form so you don't have to refrigerate it, but it is real cream. Great country in some respects. Say hi to Paige for us! Love ya, Uncle Erik
