Saturday, August 16, 2014

Tamales y tortillas...costa Rican style

Perfect bfast with coffee. Gretel had asked a coworker to make them for us.

Saturday service: Erik worked with a brother named Eric, everyone seemed entertained by this. I worked with a sister, Susana y su Hijo Josue (Joshua), originally from Nicaragua.
She seemed a bit shy at first... Or dare I say terrified to b put with me as it seems everyone has been. But eventually she opened up and told me about where she is from and learning the truth. When her family came in the truth they had to walk 2.5 hours each way to get to a meeting...for years. Mostly it was her family and an uncle preaching as they were the only ones in the truth and a brother would come once a month to collect their fs reports. Her dad's health has deteriorated to the point that he is wheel chair bound which makes the ministry more challenging-no paved roads or sidewalks and very hilly but they r still faithfully serving Jehovah and the congregation has grown. She has been in CR 12 yrs. she has a daughter in Nicaragua with her parents.  A very humble, hard-working family that could easily b overlooked but definitely part of our great cloud of witnesses who r examples of faith.

We went with Doris' younger sister, Yara, to make a few rv's and got back around 1pm.
Just in time to eat, coffee and rest before 4pm meeting. The temp has been pleasingly mild. The friends here keep saying cold but by no means is it cold, just not as hot as we thought it would b.

After meeting we did Gretel's study with a woman named Linda (just became unbap pub) and her 15 yr old daughter Maria Fernanda.  After, we went to the Moras (Doris's family) for homemade (thick) tortillas with refried black beans and cream smeared on top...and coffee. Yes, Erik loves this country and no, we r not losing weight yet:)

Unfortunately, we r getting used to eating late but Rico would b proud.


  1. Glad you have internet again! Are you still near San Jose? What is the animal and BUG life like there? Have you discovered any new fruits and veggies? Do the congregations have many servants and pioneers? Campaign is producing an abundant of requests for bible studies. Looking forward to new service year. The buzz looks cool ;-)

  2. Was excited to see posts again when I checked this morning:) Glad to hear you are both doing well. What is that interesting paper the tamales are wrapped in....not corn husks is it a green color??
