Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 14-RAIN

Today was our first day of consistent rain since we got to the-imagine the irony-Rainforest. It rained gatos y perros. And there is no such thing as driving territory here. But we still managed to have some good calls in the town of Santa Rosa (Holy Rose). Leah called back on a woman named Alexandra in the nearby town of Los Almendros. She had a nice conversation with her the day before and we stopped back to start a study with her. We found out that her husband died a year and a half ago and she is alone raising 6 children-one of her children died of pneumonia when he was 8. It’s pretty easy to feel compassion for Alexandra. Anyway, we shared scriptures about the condition of the dead and she had questions about the soul and the spirit. She understood from the conversation the day before that the dead are conscious of nothing it all. She just can’t figure out what all the noises are in her husband’s tool room. She thinks it may be him. She is very sweet and humble and hopefully hungry. We’ll keep you posted. Here's a map of our territory. Maybe you can blow it up.

We arrived home and lunch was already made-again. Chicken with pasta and rice. That’s right, a little carb loading. Hadn’t ever eaten that together but when in Rome…
We walked down to a sister’s house so Leah could practice her talk with her. The meeting was at 6:00. Nice time to start. Leah had a talk and I had 3 parts. Ryan isn’t messing around. The good news is with so many parts expectations are low. And I think I may have delivered. We came home and Leah, Ryan, Veronica y Shawn played Sequence and had some delicious Havana Club. If you don’t know what it is, you ain’t Cuban baby! If you noted that ain’t isn’t a word, lighten up. 

Gracias, Gabriel. Le debemos.
While they played I made the Service Meeting schedule for February and March for the Albion Spanish congregation. Albion Spanish……….kinda has a nice ring to it.

Sorry no pix today. Leah said she should’ve taken a picture of her nasty, insect bitten legs because as bad as they were yesterday they were much worse today in the rain. I, on the other hand, think they are quite lovely-bites and all.
PS: The fruit from yesterday was Guava, not Guayaba. Sorry.


  1. So wait a minute, it is spelled Guava!? Thats so weird. There's already a fruit called Guava and it's NOTHING like that thing! I must figure this out...

  2. Hi guys! Been following your blog all along but just remembered my password so I can comment. Have to tell you how much I've enjoyed following your adventures. Thanks for the laughs and encouragement! Love and miss you!!

  3. Erik, you are a very funny, quick witted writer. LOVE IT! Is that Heather King that I know?
