Saturday, January 21, 2012

(We're back) Day 5 - Salinas (the beach)

Actually began at 2:30 AM, yes I said 2:30. Rise but no shine. Rain such as has not been seen since the clouds burst forth, the earth emptied its springs and a grand arc made of resinous wood lifted slowly from its resting place.  For those who haven’t gotten to Genesis yet, I am speaking of…What I mean to say is a river of street juice filled our shoes and muddied our pants. There was a river of water 10 ft wide between the sidewalk and the car. A makeshift plywood bridge constructed from good intentions but doing little to keep us dry.  The good news is we got Wesley Jones to the airport on time, the bad news is he had to throw out his shoes.  More good news: I’m writing you from a beautiful beach in Salinas, sampling delightful beach fare and waiting for my disinfected sneakers to dry-Good as new baby, good as new.
Today’s Spanish lesson- “mandarina”:a man who is “whipped” o sea su esposa dicta lo que hace. Note the following experience if you need clarification:  Let me set this up for you – the car was completely filled with 6 people and all their stuff, it’s 3 AM and did I mention it’s pouring? Then the following dialogue:
Keila: We have to bring the boogie boards

Aaron: No, there is no room
Keila: If the boards aren’t going, then I’m not going.

Aaron: You can either leave the boogie boards or not go at all.

Keila crumpled into a sea of disappointment.  Silent. Broken-hearted.  Aaron had taken his stand, exercised his authority.  Which brings us to the word of the day –
A picture truly is worth a thousand words. Shawn rode 1.5 hours with 2 boogie boards on his head.  Aaron will not be sleeping on the couch tonight.  Pobre  “mandarina”

Memo to all: this part of the blog was pre-approved by the mandarina is su esposa, both good sports.  And they have been awesome hosts for our first week in Ecuador.

We arrived at the beach around 7am, met up with Ani Tindal’s other sister Andrea the other twin and her daughter Nicole, got the keys to the apt, got some bfast, beer & a cooler and we were off to the beach.  The day was a little overcast, but plenty hot.  We slathered on 45SPF, sat under a 10x10 ft cabana all day long with a shirt on. Erik couldn’t remember if he put on bug repellent or sunblock but his arms r bright red and he doesn’t have any bug bites.  No need to bring food as vendors walk up and down all day long with delicious local fare.

yes, that is watermelon wedges in that glass box

What we did eat: Bollos con arroz y aji (our favorite, like a tamale made with green plantains and fish), pappas rellenas, maduros, coco helado (who knew there was so much milk in those things and then after you drink it u bring it back and they cut out all the “meat”, empenadas de pollo. What we didn’t eat: candy apples, cotton candy, icecream, watermelon, choclo con queso, humitas (corn tamales).  – No, we have not lost any weight yet!?!.
4:15 took a boat ride around the coast, $20 for 45 minutes for the 5 of us. The best part was stopping about a mile off the coast, which was the 2nd most western point in South America. We swam in the ocean and dove of the boat (sometimes the roof). The water was awesome, warm like bath water, thankfully no sharks. Aaron supplied us with the entertainment when he tried to dive but mistepped and did a huge belly flop. Yours truly missed it but everyone else was choking on ocean water. 

We found out that the captain, Enrique, is studying the Bible teach book and his wife is a baptized witness. 

After returning to the condo we napped (rough day, I know you all feel bad for us) and at 9:30 Andrea & Nicole came over and we walked down to the Malecon(boardwalk).
Keila, Andrea, Nicole

We ate at this awesome outdoor bbq type restaurant called “Roca Parrilla”.  For $6 total Leah & I ate:
(2) Grilled platanos maduros con queso & salsa de queso – Grilled sweet plantains stuffed with cheese covered with a cheese sauce
(2) Grilled choclos con salsa de queso – Grilled ears of corn but different than the sweet corn we eat in NY but super yummy!
(2) Tortillas – una de papas y el otro de verde (green plantains) – they r called tortillas but they look more like huge hockey pucks filled with veggies, meat or cheese and then covered in cheese sauce – por supuesto!
Believe it or not we slept like babies. I just don't understand why we aren't losing weight?


  1. Me alegra verlos disfrutando tanto.....mis saludos

  2. We absolutely loved the video. Thanks for that!

  3. OH NO Erik - not your sneakers!!! How are they doing now? I hope everything worked out. :-) Yes, thank you for the video, looks like a great time!

    1. You will be happy to know the sneakers are fine. In fact, you'll notice from last Monday's blog entry that I have them on with my fancy, matching, bright yellow Camelbak; which, by the way, doesn't draw any attention at all.
