Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 1...we almost didn't make it! (casi no llegamos)

Hey everyone! Well, we made it safe and sound. We left Rochester at 8:30am and arrived in Guayaquil, Ecuador at 11:45 pm-4 flights (layovers in Charlotte, NC, Punta Cana, DR, Panama City, Panama and finally in Guayaquil). We were greeted by Aaron & Keila, Shawn and Viole (Keila's sister). We were up 'til about 2:30 and slept really well...that is until the school across the street let out for recess and the scool master screamed over the loud speaker "BUENOS DIAS ESTUDIANTES" after which said 500 children replied "BUENOS DIAS MAESTRO". Of course, they weren't loud enough and the exchange continued for what could have been several hours...or perhaps just 30 seconds. But, hey it makes for a cheap alarm clock.Today, Aaron, Leah and I went "sightseeing" and trying the local food. $2 bucks bought us a delicious meal. We also took in the local market here in Milagro (population 100,000). The market was bustling with children in the streets, strawberry salesmen trying to rip us off  and pigs hanging from their tails and chickens from their necks...mmmm....chicken!

I must interrupt this part of the story....

to let you know how hilarious it is to listen to Leah screaming as she just entered the do understand that there is only cold water. It's pretty funny watching her as she realizes she actually does have to get wet to take a shower and yet seems to be dancing with the freezing water as it exits the spicket.  It was 80 degrees outside today and 30 degrees in the shower!

Well, anyway we are getting together with Candy and her husband tonight for a barbeque...the fresh fruit here is incredible...and we will make the first visual entry of blogdom a picture of our bug-netted bed. I convinced Leah that it was a canopy, which makes it seem really, really romantic.


  1. Hey guys! We can follow u now :)
    Erik, Fidel wants to steal your beer n your spot on that hammock. We wish we could be there..some day.
    Enjoy your next 3mths there, we'll be following along the way. Miss u already! -FBP

  2. Hi Erik y Leah que bien que todo les salio bien, felicidades

  3. Los extraño mucho ): pero que nice pic

  4. Wow!!! es hermoso todo esto. Y la predicacion es espectacular, las fotos son hermosas. we miss you guys. Enjoy those three months. Es un privilegio ser parte de esta organisacion de Jehova. Los estrana mucho, Los hermanos Quiles-Ortiz...
