Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 2 continued

Hey, everyone! It was a day filled with activity. Candy & Bridget and their husbands came to the house last night, along with Jairo’s (Bridget’s hubby) bible student, Orlando. He is in chapter 12 of the Teach book and speaks Cechua (sp?). We didn’t get to bed until 1:30 a.m. but that didn’t stop us from being up and at the Kingdom Hall at 7:45 this morning to preach in a more isolated area called Lorenzo. A group of brothers and sisters supports a meeting every Saturday for the Public Talk and Watchtower. About 30 people attend which, of course, reminds us of the Albion group. I had the privilege of preaching with a young sister named Cinthia and going on her bible study with a 16 year-old girl named Nichole. We had a lot of conversations with people in town. About 11:30 we went to the KH to rest and ate tons of fresh fruit: mangos, maracuya (sour passion fruit) and granadilla (sweet passion fruit). The granadilla was the most delicious thing ever…okay the mangos were the most delicious ever but the granadilla was soooo awesome!

We enjoyed preaching, eating, cleaning the KH, eating some more…and then we returned at 4:30 for the meeting. Of course, at 4:20 they asked me to give the public talk (no time for nerves). It was fun and really hot. I didn’t wear a jacket but fortunately one of the brothers was almost my size. Not fortunate for him because I am pretty sure I sweated right through it.

Fat Guy in a Little Coat

After the meeting it was time to continue our feeding frenzy and so we stopped and got a whole roasted chicken and some plantain chips, Keila made a delicious salad of carrots, onions, lime juice, tomatoes and olive oil, white rice and choclate cake. Yes, life is tough down here but we will manage. Gotta go for now but we will catch up later. Tomorrow we are going to the Zone meeting and Monday we are touring Bethel and having lunch with the family. We love y'all.

We're gonna need a bigger bowl

1 comment:

  1. De seguro Jehova te ayudo dar ese discurso. Que privilegio!!!
