Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 52 - Proverbios 10:22

Sunday: We met in Cumbaratza for the ministry. I had my second study with Evelyn (13 years old-I thought she was 16, oops). We studied in the appendix about the Daniel 9 prophecy about the appearance of the Messiah. She seemed to really get it (& it also became apparent she has a solid foundation from the Bible Stories book).

From there we went to Marisol. Although we had a good study, she seemed a bit preoccupied with something. She hasn’t been to the meeting in 2 weeks and last week she missed her study bc she had a graduation thing at school. Hopefully, she’ll be at the assembly day in Loja next week. We r supposed to do her study again Friday.
We met Tatiana (photos Day 20 & 28) back at the KH to do her study. She’s 13, got baptized 2 years ago but is still finishing the two books. She talked about her struggles: only her dad is in the truth, her mom and siblings studied but never progressed and now give her a hard time, mocking her at times, her mom even opposes her going to meetings/preaching. But despite all this, her love for Jehovah is evident and she has been an aux. pioneer since her baptism.

We took this ourselves-it was the best of 4
(well, maybe not for Erik)
We dropped Tatiana at home on our way to Conchai. We had set up a RV for today when we visited Santiago and his mom, Naomi Wednesday. We parked at the tilapia farm and did our usual 20 minute hike over the bridge and through the jungle. Fortunately, the family was home, and even though they had company they came out and studied with us for close to an hour- Santiago, his mom and his dad, Jorge. Santiago had picked the chapter on family life which seemed appropriate (although at times it seemed like his parents were taking alternate jabs at each other with their comments/questions).  They were very hospitable, offering us guayaba, sugar cane & at the end, a delicious empanada we had smelled cooking. We were very appreciative as we had only eaten crackers and were pretty hungry.  We plan to go back next Saturday. Not for the empanadas, for the study. How dare you question our motives:-)
See what I mean?
As we were walking back to the car, the cows were all over the path. They r harmless enough but here they don't cut the horns even on the females so they look pretty intimidating.

"'Look, I'm sorry I ate your father. But can't I share just one scripture?"
"Man r u fat!"    "Yeah, well at least I don't have horns."

Coffee beans
On our way home, as we were passing by Cumbaratza, I mentioned to Erik maybe we should try to catch Ryan’s study, Mauricio (America’s son), because we didn’t get him Friday. Although we were all tired (and hungry), & Shawn even passed the street, we decided to go back. He was home and willing to study. He’s in chapter 3 of the Bible teach book, but in paragraph 16 when he quoted exactly word for word the texts in John 3:16 and 17:3, our interest in his story was peaked.  He explained that after his dad died, when he was 8, he went to live with his grandma who was a witness. And for the next four years he studied and went with her to the meetings and in the ministry. He even helped to build the KH there in Cumbaratza. Then at 12, he went back to live with his mom, who wasn’t doing anything with the truth at the time so his interest and zeal diminished. He also had issues with his mom and became very rebellious. At 14 he left home and went to live with a cousin in Loja and started working, learning construction. When he was 18, he came back home, his mom started studying and they have worked through a lot of their issues. But around that same time his grandma died and that was a huge blow to him emotionally and he suffered depression as a result. For the past several years he’s busied himself with work and friends and not given time or priority to his relationship with Jehovah. But you can see his sincerity and the love (and joy) he once had serving Jehovah is still in there.  Needless to say, we were happy we had decided to turn around and do his study. We didn’t even think about our rumbling stomachs. But fortunately, his mom is the one who makes/sells tamales on Sundays so we bought a few to bring home and she gave us some humitas too.

We got home at 5pm very satisfied (but starving)!
P.S. By the way, we haven't gotten sick yet. But, I might have what they call a "skin problem". But, I'm gonna hold out a few more days (if i can stand the itching). I REALLY don't want to go to the clinic.


  1. ooooo! that looks worse than the last picture. Maybe you better go.

  2. I'd wait it out! Can you feel your toes?
    You'll be fine.
