Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 60 – We can’t believe it’s been 2 months!

After the first 2 weeks, the time here truly has flown by. We got so used to telling people we had 3 months and now it’s less than a month here in Cumbaratza. But we have enjoyed our time here so far and looking forward to starting the campaign for the Memorial and being here with the friends for that and the special talk. Looks like we may have the visit of the CO that week too – that will be busy. Especially, because Erik has to give both talks here in Cumbaratza and in Zamora. The next day, Sunday we have to leave for the coast to catch our flight out early Tues morning from Guyaquil. We will be in Mexico for 3 weeks, coming home to NY May 1st. We plan to be in the D.F. (Mexico City) for 2 weeks visiting Elsa and her family and Leo and his family. Then, the last week in Morelia with the Villas. We would like to visit with Cory and Emily while we are there, as well.

We have definitely settled into the rainy season here in the rainforest but we’re getting used to it and I’m complaining less. We did manage a long walk in between the raindrops and a workout. But the majority of the day was spent inside studying, reading, cleaning, paying bills, blogging.

This picture is of the “interesting” plumbing they have here in Ecuador and we thought maybe Mickey McCarthy would appreciate it.
Can you guess where the bathrooms are?

Ryan made dough again this afternoon, so we had delicious pizza.

A shower, family worship and picture organizing and it was time for bed.

All and all, it was another pretty chilled day. Well, except for the free concert performed by Veronica & Zully that went on for hours. It was private, I wasn’t invited but I went to make tea and couldn’t resist.

By the way, the update on that conversation with the brother from Florida is that they wrote to the society asking for congregations where they could move to where there is a need. They gave them the choice of 6 and they chose Albion. They will be there around May 1st also. He is an elder and they both are regular pioneers. Very exciting!

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