Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 66 – Chamico & San Vicente…

…Is where we preached for the 2nd day of the campaign. The good news is we had 19 out today. The bad news is that half the group ran out of territory half way through the morning. But the sun was out and it was a beautiful day. We met at Rosa de Reyes’ house.
La Saquea
I worked with Damaris and we went with the Vivancos, Veronica & Rosa to work la Saquea area. We found a sweet lemon tree, which I’ve never tried before, so Victor got some down for us.

We waited for Shawn, who had walked up to San Vicente with Samuel. We sat and visited with the Romero family.

We headed over to Conchai to visit Santiago and his parents, Noemi y Jorge. (Last week we couldn’t go because of the assembly). Unfortunately, they had uninvited guests and couldn’t study but we at least invited the family to the memorial. She has to bring her daughter to Quito this week for surgery to remove a malignant tumor from her leg and she isn’t sure when she’ll be back. But she gave us her phone number so that in the future we can call first. On the way back to the car we saw Santiago. He’s a really nice kid and we talked for a bit.
Looking up at the blue sky at Noemi's house
Crossing the bridge, on the way in to Conchai, we walked with a couple and gave them an invitation. Turns out, Ryan used to visit them so they took the mags too.

We were happy we finished in time to make it to the market in Zamora for some fruit and veggie bargain shopping. We ran into the Romeros there but they were all done. It was hot under the tarps and the cords to hold them up are placed strategically so if you’re not paying attention you will choke yourself. It’s as if nobody here is over 5 feet tall. We got our loot: bargain of the day, 7 big mangos for $2.00. We were on our way home to enjoy the rest of the day as the sun was quickly fading behind clouds. Oh well, I was still determined to enjoy my ice cold beer, which we did as we made dinner: pasta with homemade meatballs and sauce. We also made the potato and beet salad. Hey, there’s always tomorrow.

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