Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 67 – Ok, so I may have seasonal depression

Or at least I’ve noticed how the weather affects me drastically.  When I woke up this morning I was pleasantly surprised that the sky looked different: I was sure we were gonna have sun today! I had washed a load of clothes last night banking on sun today. Voila-in 30 minutes everything was dry.

Ryan made us breakfast: Eggs, onions, peppers and cheese in tortillas. It was scrumptious. Hmm…we do seem to eat a lot of eggs here (it’s a cheap source of protein). I guess we’ll have to check our cholesterol when we get home. 

Erik cleaned the bathroom and floors (I’m not the only one affected by the weather). For lunch, we ate the potato/beet salad we made last night. FYI: it’s just as good the next day.

It was raining by noon. For dinner, we roasted a chicken with potatoes, carrots and onions roasted in the pan with the juices…yummy! I made rice, of course (when in Rome).

We worked out, worked on my talk for Thursday and did family worship. Pretty standard for Monday. Oh, and I cleaned our shoes – they were pretty muddy.

We skyped the Krafts. They have a new assignment: WA-2, which is in Bellingham, WA and includes the San Juan Islands. It is north of Seattle, WA and near Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Then, we skyped Sandra and Leobardo. We got to bed late but it was worth catching up with everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I miss the Krafts! If you think of it, tell them I said hello. Awesome people.

    I get seasonal depression too. When the weather's lousy it makes me depressed. Unfortunately the weather's lousy a lot... C'mon sun, you can do it...
