Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 54 – Ecuadorean hospitality

Leah and I have really enjoyed getting to know a family that lives nearby. We have mentioned Herlinda y Hilario in previous blog entries. Our studies with them include more people each time we visit. This week we studied with them, their 2 daughters, Hilario’s sister and the kids wander in and out of the picture. We continued the study on why we suffer and why God permits it. The aunt arrived quite late but that gave us time to answer some of their other questions. They seem to be doing well. They also cooked for us again. That’s the second time in 5 days that they cooked dinner for us. Stop, stop…I know what you’re thinking. The food was really delicious (over-used word in our blog-does anybody have any suggestions for synonyms?) and we really enjoyed the evening. We walked home in a pretty strong rain but it was refreshing.

Oh yeah, the rest of the day. In the morning we met in the Quebrada (reminder: we live in the Quebrada and the word refers to a stream/river). Leah and Diana walked to Cumbaratza to do a study and Shawn and I picked them up and took Diana home, and then we took ourselves home. Tuna, cheese and tomato Paninis and a nap and then we were back out to do a study with Amerika. She is doing very well and is related to a bunch of others who study and attend meetings and that we mention in our blog, such as Sandra, Johan, Marisol, little Maria, Maite y su hermanita Jenifer y others.

That brings us to the study with the family and our enjoyable evening with them. Would you like to see some pictures?
Pollo en jugo, ensalada, arroz y platano (Chicken cooked in
a juice of onion, garlic, carrot, parsley, salad with onion, carrot
and lime juice, rice and green plantain) It was not
only a beautiful presentation but delicious!


  1. Delectable, succulent, tasty, scrumptious, delightful, yummy.

  2. How come all the comments and pics on food? Just think tommorrow I pick up your Dad and we go to 2 Brothers for an exotic meal with our home grown Brothers. Don't know if it compares to your food, but I can see the ROADS are better here.

    1. Wow, you're right. We do talk about food a lot. I wonder if I am unbalanced? Nah, that's crazy. We will be posting more pictures and comments about food than we have been already. In regards to 2 Brothers...are you sure that you should be calling that food? I'm pretty sure you go for the company. Yes, you are right again. The roads, and general infrastructure is not what it is in the states. Thanks for commenting. It is good hearing from you guys. Keep reading and keep responding!
