Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 70 – The “Cuse” wins by 1 point-& I missed it!

This is a beautiful orchid next to Wilmer's house
We met at Wilmer’s house (pig & tilapia farm) to preach in Tunanza Alto. It was just like we remembered it-really muddy and really beautiful. We broke up in groups to cover the town by foot and then did the main road by car. We haven’t done door-to-door by car very often here, and it was actually a nice change of pace.

Those little specs up by the house are Shawn
and Ryan. The sisters worked down in town.

Rosa, Zully, Monica

We went to one house that was way up a hill, and fairly difficult to get to. At the beginning you have to cross a creek that flows really fast. Victor said that many years ago, two boys that lived in the house were crossing the bridge and the one fell in. He couldn’t swim, so his brother jumped in after him. They both ended up drowning. I don’t think the family still lived in the house, but we didn’t have a chance to say much, as the woman was not interested in speaking with us.

On the way back through Timbara, we did one of Leah’s studies, JoMyra, and returned to the house. I must admit, I was ready. This cold is kicking my tail.

We had a relaxing afternoon and prepared for the meeting and the parts we had. Leah had the second student talk (not so relaxing for her) and I had the book study and the part on preaching to businesses.
Scary huh? I let him take some pics with the camera
before the meeting.
Josue is about 3 ft tall so all the pics are at this angle.

When we got home I checked and saw that Syracuse managed to beat Wisconsin by 1 point; it might as well be 100 points, right? I skyped Ricky and Leah and he said it was a classic game. As we were talking, I discovered that if they faced the iPad to the tv-voila-basketball on-demand. Poor man’s basketball on-demand. I soon realized that the next game will be Saturday night-the ‘cuse schedule is following the meeting schedule-and I have a talk Saturday night in Yanzasa (sp?). He said he would dvr it and I will skype him. I sure hope Ellie doesn’t eat the iPad. Anyway, Ricky and I watched a little of the Cincinnati v Ohio State game “together” and then we signed off.

That's Ryan and I on the computer screen.

Ryan was kind enough to make omelets and toast so we drifted off to sleep, happy and full.


  1. that last picture is classic! It was a pretty exciting game! Most helpful to my brackets.

    1. HAAAA that picture is great - I can't wait until Ricky sees that they posted this....
