Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 76 – I feel like I got hit by a bus

We are moving very slowly this morning but still convinced it was worth it.

We walked (very slowly) into Cumbaratza to do Marisol’s study. We had a great study with her, finishing the chapter on the sanctity of blood. We are gonna miss her study. After that we walked down to Silvia’s house and as I was writing a note her mom, America, walked by and said she was at her house so we followed her home. We visited with America and one of her other daughters, Tatiana, for a while and made arrangements to do Silvia’s study Friday at 3.

Ryan, Zully, Erik & I went back out in the afternoon at 3pm. Unfortunately, it’s exam time so all my studies were either busy/stressed, sick or not at home. But Erik found his study that he’s been doing the family book with and set up to come back tomorrow and start the Bible teach book. We couldn’t find Ryan so we took the bus back home (yes you read that right-we are growing up) with Zully & Diana.

It was relatively early still, but I was exhausted. I think I may be getting the cold Erik had last week.   I don’t think it helped that on my last call the baby who is super sick was coughing all over me (she’s only 6 months old). I made us some dinner.  We watched the video on creation first in English then in Spanish and by then I was ready for bed. By 9pm I was asleep, woke up at 10:30 for an hour and then back to bed for the night. Erik watched the “extras” in Spanish for what seemed like hours and then went to bed around midnight.
(Sorry, no pics, but if you looked at the albums from the horseback riding yesterday, I'm sure you're sick of pics)

1 comment:

  1. I don't think the extras are long enough to last for hours. ha ha
