Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 58 - Quiet, peaceful day...

We got to sleep in a little and I made us ham, mushroom and cheese omelets for breakfast.-I swear the eggs taste better here.

At 9am, Erik & Ryan did the last set of questions today with the study who wants to get baptized tomorrow-Nothing like waiting until the last minute. (hehe)

Veronica & Zully
I made lasagna for lunch. Veronica & her sister, Zully (correct spelling) kept me company in the kitchen (and washed all the dirty dishes I made so it was a Win Win for me). But it was nice to get to know her better. She has been in a Quechua congregation in Milagro for the last 4 years, I think she said.  The lasagna turned out even better than last time. I would have taken a pic but by the time I thought of it there was not even a crumb left. I thought Ryan was gonna lick the pan.

He may look a little crazy here-but he sure
can bake!
After lunch, Shawn made cookies to bring tomorrow. Unfortunately, since Robin left he’s on his own to bake. But he did well. He made oatmeal raisin and thumbprints with berry and guava jam. They were all quite yummy, especially warm out of the oven.

Ryan, on the other hand, got the short end of the stick and went out to mow but met with a little difficulty with the mower.

You may notice that neither is wearing the recommended
horseshoe attire - Veronica looks like she's going to the meeting
and Ryan looks like he's begging for money outside of the KH.
I finished my Watchtower and did laundry while Erik….not sure…Syracuse highlights maybe? We worked out and then went out for a friendly game of horseshoes. First, girls against guys-we lost. Then Sissons verses Sillens – I lost again. Apparently I stink at the game. But, loser had to wash dishes and winner make dinner so I’m not sure who lost really.
Zully, Veronica y Ryan made menestra de pappas with ham, arroz y huevos for dinner. I think we will sleep just fine with full bellies. We are going to bed early tonight because we have to leave by 6am tomorrow for the assembly. It’s in Loja so it will be a long day but it will be great to be at the assembly and meet new people. We'll let you know how it goes and promise to send a bunch of pictures.

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