Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 55 – How pleasant to dwell in unity with our brothers!

Shawn kept preaching to the parrot and it just kept
preaching the same thing back to him

This is not Cristinita's house. It's a store but Leah has been
wanting a picture of it.
We met for service at Hermana Cajas house;  there were 7 of us. We drove down to Namirez. Shawn, Diana & I worked together and at our first door as Shawn was talking to the woman this “loro” (parrot) walked up. It’s her pet and it’s very tame. We had a nice morning. On the way home I tried a couple studies that weren’t home yesterday. (It’s been a bit of a challenge for me that studies, even regular ones, seem to have a bit more of a casual attitude toward their study time). I talked to Merci and set it up for tomorrow.
We went home for lunch and Erik & I made pasta with a meat Bolognese sauce and a salad. It was pretty tasty comfort food. We did a little Bible reading, blogging and it was time to regroup for service in Santa Rosa – the time flies. You think you have an hour or two and before you know it, it’s gone.

I was anticipating rain because it always rains when we go to preach in Santa Rosa. Sure enough, I was not disappointed. But our paranoia of the rain has caused us to go through this whole ritual every time we leave the house now. We have to make sure everything is up and put away, out of reach of the drips.

I worked with Monica. We did 2 of my calls and then went to her study with Alexandra (Gigi-but she doesn’t spell it like that). She is maybe 15 and the niece of Hermano Wilmer. She was all prepared. I was not and unfortunately, Monica asked me to conduct the majority of the paragraphs. I’m not sure where that came from but every time it catches me off guard. I have my new Ensena book I’m supposed to be studying through again but I haven’t finished it yet so most times my lesson is not prepared. I hate that.

Met up with Erik around 4:30 to try my call on JoMyra, but she had gone to Zamora. We did a few RV’s and then went back to try to get her sister, Jessica (Veronica’s study). She looked exhausted after working all day and coming home to take care of her 6 month old little girl, Cristina so we arranged to come back tomorrow during her lunch break (she gets 2 hours, not bad).

We headed back home-Erik had to do a set of questions with a woman who wants to get baptized this Sunday. He took Victor and I hung out with his wife, Diana. As we were talking, I could feel my rash getting itchy and was stalling in asking her for some ice. Finally, I broke down, but the only thing she had was some frozen humitas (corn tamales) so I took them and put them on my belly. It did the trick.

The guys got home around 8:30 and she had made pasta so we ate with them and stayed and talked until late. It was really nice getting to know them better.

When we got home we skyped mom and dad. Since they r in California it was still early for them. At midnight we said goodnight.

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