Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 102 – There’s a “need greater” desk at Bethel?

We said our goodbyes to Kevin and Jhonny before they headed off to school. Berta woke up Paco (he doesn’t start school until 1:30) – he wasn’t so thrilled but gave us a hug. Goodbye to Berta and we were off.

So Harrison, the tall gringo we met from Bethel, was talking to us last night and asked if we had talked to the “need greater” desk at Bethel when we were there Friday. The answer was no. He said we were crazy. So, we made another trip to Bethel Monday morning to briefly speak with the brothers in that dept. It was good-and gave us more direction.

Then, we headed back to Elsa’s to pack up our stuff and prepare to head to the Villas tomorrow. Leo accompanied us which was probably a good idea bc we went back on the combi (a microbus-type taxi), the metro (subway) and then a taxi. He stayed for a while and we went to a nice café, had cappuccinos and brought some pastries home for the girls. We had lunch and then Leo headed home. It was really nice to get to spend time with him and his family.

Leonel visited to spend time with us before we left. We listened to music and packed up everything. Ryan skyped us and was encouraging to Leonel in regards to pursuing spiritual goals. If you’ll remember, the last 4 days in Ecuador we had no water. Well, the update is that they still didn’t have water until a couple of days ago. Yikes! As one of our readers said, “He must smell great by now”.  

Elsa had saved the last page of the “Keep Yourself in God’s Love” book for when Leah came. So, they finished the book-2 paragraphs, 2 hours. They must’ve been talking a lot. We had some pastry because it was there and went to bed. The journey continues tomorrow with a trip to Morelia to see the Villa’s and the Wallace’s. We’ll keep you posted.

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