Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 97 – Maybe we should’ve saved some probiotics for Mexico

I woke up at 4am feeling a bit sick in my belly. I didn’t think it would be too wise to stray too far from the bathroom so Elsa and I walked Erik to the service group and I took the morning off. I know what you’re thinking but Elsa says even a brother by himself during the day (especially a gringo) is dangerous around there.

Erik had a nice morning in the ministry working with Edgar, a young ministerial servant.  I had a nice morning relaxing at home, blogging and working on my talk on Maria for the meeting that night. (Elsa is my householder).

Erik got home around 11:30 and helped Elsa clean a bit. I helped her mom make the fish. We put fillets of fish (that had been soaked in lime juice and garlic) in aluminum foil with fresh epazote, nopales (cactus), onion, jalapeño & cheese. I still wasn’t 100% but I managed to stuff down a little lunch. Elsa said not to eat the beans or the French fries Jose made. So I just had the veggies and fish (and tortillas).

After lunch, we finished studying for the meeting, and then Elsa & I practiced my talk. After that, it was time to get ready for the meeting.

I was super nervous about my talk, but Erik said I did well. Either way, it was special to be able to do it with Elsa.
Erik had the last part on the meeting and said goodbye to the congregation and thanked them for their hospitality. They wanted us to stay longer but we explained we had 3 other families to visit and only 2 weeks left. Hopefully, we’ll get back to visit again some day.
Condado Family - The dad and 3 kids are all pioneering
Jorge & Elia Casares (the couple we had dinner with the other night)
I forget the name of the kids, but the little girl made Erik and
I each a little card and a picture with a piece of candy


  1. Wao, !que bien! para mi ustedes ya son superentendentes de circuitos. !Que privilegio tan bonito, y buenas, buenas experiencias! Los felicito y que Jehová los siga bendiciendo, c ya

  2. It was very nice to speak English again!!! No really it was really nice to NOT talk in Spanish for once, thank you so much for the company. The congregation was thrilled to have you, and it felt reassuring knowing I'm not the only "Crazy" one leaving the U.S. to serve where there is need. May Jehovah bless you and all your endeavors. Please stay in touch, it would be wonderful to see each other again in Costa Rica :)
