Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 106 – Preaching in English-yeah you heard us right

The 2 towers in the background is the city center
Cory and Emily picked us up for service at about 9:20. There was a lot of congestion because there was a protest in the city center. When we got to the hall, there were 2 sisters waiting. We all went to the same territory to do census (something we are very used to-but this time we were looking for English speaking people-in Mexico-wierd). We stopped for a bite to eat-tacos ahogados (drowned tacos). They are crispy tacos with potato inside, then shredded pork and cabage on top, sitting in a spicy chili broth. U squeeze lime juice on top. They were delicious. We continued in the ministry doing their calls and studies until about 4:00 or so and got gazpacho (finely chopped mango, pineapple, and jicama layered with chili powder, cheese, hot sauce and salt, then fresh squeezed orange and lime juice on top) and went back to their house. It is very nice and has an incredible view of the city.
Harry-he's 7 months old

There was about 10 of these guys and after a song they wanted
100 pesos ($8)-we gave them 20
At about 7:45 we headed for the center to meet up with Dolores, Lluvia and Alondra for dinner-a restaurant called Lu. It is authentic Michoacan food but with a higher end twist (in Rick Bayless style). It’s right in the main square and you sit outside. It’s a very European feel. People come by playing music (and selling things).

These guys were just as good and were happy with 10 pesos
(about 80 cents)

This salad had carmelized jamaica flowers and aged cotija cheese
We tried lots of things, everything was delicious. We had this appetizer of thinly sliced jicama rolled around Jamaica flowers, covered in a brown (some chipotle?) sauce with another delicious green sauce on the plate. I had a really good soup and salad. Erik had some sopes and fish he said was cooked to perfection.

Those are the towers you can see from their house
After dinner, we said our goodbye’s and took a cab home. (Erik has the talk in their hall on Sunday)

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