Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 80 – We overslept and missed the minga!

We heard everyone leave this morning but we were still in bed and not really close to moving. You blogger faithful will remember that the minga is when people get together to work on a project. Today’s project was to get the KH ready for Memorial/Special Talk. We thought it was going to be really quick but they didn’t get back until 4:30. We felt bad but I wanted to get all my meeting preparation done for the week and work on the special talk. It is a crazy week. Tuesday we have meeting with Circuit Overseer. After the meeting we go to spend the night in Yantzaza and have to be up at 4:00am Wednesday to boat back into the rainforest to visit isolated territories only reachable by boat. Thursday we have the memorial (first at Cumbaratza and then in Zamora) and Friday another meeting with the CO. Saturday I have the Special Talk in Zamora and Sunday we have meeting Cumbaratza. I’m not complaining, just communicating.

Anyway, we got to talk with some good friends today and that was nice. Also, we had a nice time hanging out this evening with Shawn and Ryan. We celebrated a really good month of pioneering with a glass of wine and good conversation.

We miss you all. Keep calling, writing and skyping; and as the WT once said “at this point in the race for life our friends don’t need critics, but need cheering on to victory”. That’s pretty close anyway. We always appreciate you cheering us on to victory. Sorry so corny-Leah didn’t proof it.


  1. We ARE cheering you on to victory - and I also will celebrate with wine.

    Love you guys, can't wait to see you! Like, in person I mean.

    OH you should have seen how excited Taylor was about her Kitchen Aid - it was her favorite present, and a huge surprise :)

    1. Thanks, we can't either. We are enjoying ourselves but we are a little homesick. But, we will have to get used to that.We miss you guys, too!

  2. Replies
    1. 3 fingers for triple digits in the ministry - It was a first for Shawn

  3. Hey guys...looks like you are having fun! keep up the good work :) see you soon. love you !!!

    1. We are having fun-especially the last 2 days with no water in the house. Bathing is really great. I'm not sure if you knew this but I have what doctors call a little weight problem. It is not easy to clean the entire surface area of my body with a tea kettle full of water. But, it's all good.
