Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 81 – A nice surprise!

Veronica & Diana
We were up to our normal Monday am…laziness…or should I say “relaxation” when we heard voices outside. It was the Vivancos and Maria Ester. Nobody really “pops in” so we were all caught off guard-scrambling around to change out of pajamas and brush our teeth to make them tea/coffee. (It was 10 o’clock). We invited them to stay for breakfast. They entertained themselves with ping pong while Erik, Ryan & I made breakfast. I made pancakes (from scratch) for the first time with homemade syrup and bananas. The boys made scrambled eggs and homefries. It was a really nice morning visiting with everyone outside the meeting.
Zully y Maria Ester

The reason they had stopped by was bc Maria had invited us to eat at her house and wanted to firm up the details. They left around 11:30 but we would see them all shortly  for more delicious food!

We spent the rest of the day getting all our preparation done for the meetings and Erik worked on the Special talk as we knew we wouldn’t have a lot of time the rest of the week. And I (we) worked on the reconciliation of the congregation accounts for the past 6 months. They needed to be audited and there’s nothing like a co visit to motivate.

At 7 we went over to Maria Ester’s house for dinner. She had invited the Vivancos & Ordoñez' also, and had a bunch of tables all set up for us. It was super yummy as always. Pollo en jugo, arroz, ensalada y papas con mayonesa de cilantro.

After dinner we cleared all the tables and everyone danced. Yes, you heard me right-everyone. That was a riot actually. The boys were especially entertaining. After we were all hot and sweaty we took a break and played tons of games. We taught everyone how to play “Spoons” and the card game bull? It was a riot!
See, I told you we danced (I knew Bibi would want proof)

And then there were intense game of spoons

We finally left around 11pm. But when we got home nobody was tired. We played ping pong and hung out until around midnight. (I think it may be all the coffee Maria Ester served us. Nobody drinks coffee but Erik normally)

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