Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 95 – All in the Family

We had a relaxing morning around the house. Elsa’s sister, Obdulia was over with the kids so Erik played with them again today until he got tired.
Obdulia with Derrick (probably not spelled right)
Elsa's dad, nephew Robin, brother Josue, nephew Saul &
Josue's son-Alejandro
This one's for mom and Sandra
At 11:30, Leonel (Rosita’s son) came over to pick us up. Rosita (another one of Elsa’s sisters-she’s been baptized 12 years or so & has been on bed rest the last 8 months with a complicated pregnancy) had invited us over for lunch. It was really nice to visit with her, and Leonel took the day off of school. Her husband, Jorge, came home around 2 for lunch. Last time I was here, a few years ago, Leonel was so much littler. He's 13, but growing like a weed.

Rosita, Leonel, Jorge

Elsa and Ian stopped over around 5:30. At 6:30 one of the brothers walked over to meet up with us-Erik had made dinner plans with him and his wife. We went to a Mexican Perkins-but neither of us was very hungry bc we ate too much at Rositas. I got a salad which I was kind of excited about as I’ve eaten very few in the last 3+months- but a little nervous too to see just how clean the lettuce was. It was nice visiting with Jorge and his wife Elia.

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