Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 98 – Going to Leo’s

We got up early to pack our bags to go to Leo’s house. For those of you who  don’t know Leobardo, he is one of our “kids” that we had the privilege to study with. He got baptized a year and a half ago and went back to Mexico to be with his family last June. He lives in Texcoco which is about 25 minute taxi ride to the bus station and then an hour on the bus and another 5 minute taxi ride. A young sister from Elsa’s hall met us at our house and went in the cab with us – she was going to go with us to Texcoco but then Leo offered to meet us at the bus terminal and ride back with us, which we really appreciated (first time on the bus here in Mexico this visit). It was easy to spot him in the terminal-he still has his big smile.

We got to his house around 10:30. The 2 little ones (Jhonny-6, Kevin-10) were in school and would be home around 1:30. Francisco (Paco-13) was home because he goes in at 1 and gets home around 8. We met Berta face to face which was nice, finally. And within minutes she served us chicken en mole with tortillas (for breakfast).

He's got 3 or 4 family members that work for him, including Paco
Leo showed us his shop upstairs-he puts logos on bags for stores. It's kind of like old school silk-screening-all manual-no machines. But he’s got quite a little business. He’s working on bags for a foundation right now-100,000 of them. Erik helped him work for a little while.
We walked with Berta to meet a sister, Teresa, who owns a shop that sells the mole in powder form. Then to meet another sister who owns a health food store. Then, we went by the bakery near the house-the couple is studying. The smell alone in there was intoxicating. It was near impossible to choose-so we bought 3 bags of bread and pastries. And yes, the pants are getting a bit tight!
Leo & Kevin
Paco left for school and Kevin and Jhonny got home. Jhonny is quite a character. Kevin likes computers and electronics. He wants to do graphic design at Bethel when he gets bigger. He actually does all the design work for  his dad's business right now. It saves them a day of travel back and forth to the company that used to do it and the expense. Did I mention he's 10! They are all pretty cute-3 little Leos.
Jhonny taking a picture of himself

We had a nice night catching up and visiting with the family. It’s nice to see Leo with his family.

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