Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 26 – Albions first meeting and it’s mango time once again!

View from the bridge of a house by the river
Preaching in the Quebrada (where we live), we met at the corner at the Ordonez house (I’ll try to get a pic of Monica y Elmer Thursday).  So I had 2 new studies set up for this morning. Unfortunately, the first one was at the bus stop and on her way to Zamora to work, but she promised she’ll be there tomorrow. The other one, Flor, we got to 15 minutes early and her son said she had left to walk his little brother to school so we came back at 9:30 and she was there. Erik y I sat outside and went through the beginning of the Ensena bk and then started chapter 1. She seems very humble and genuine and we r looking forward to next week. She seemed to like the suggestion in the book about reading 3-5 chapters a day in the Bible to finish the whole thing in a year.  We’ll keep you posted.

View of the River (you can see Cumbaratza in the distance)

Here there are no street names (there may be a name but it’s not posted) and definitely no house numbers.  As you can imagine this can make it difficult to mark down and return on someone who shows interest, especially if you’re not familiar with the area.  The organization encourages you to take good notes, so we try to follow that advice. We describe well and pick identifying features, like the color, new wooden gate, or…………… for this one I wrote down Chihuahua with fangs, and sure enough I found the house again today (look closely-he didn't exactly pose for me).
We all went to Zamora around lunch time: Erik had a call he wanted to try (Segundo, the man that he met in the street that has come to the meeting 2 times), Shawn needed to take care of some banking, Ryan and Veronica had to pay some bills and other errands, I went because they promised me food – “encebollado” to be exact. Kind of like a fish soup, but different than what we made the other day.  This didn’t have any peanut butter. Encebollado literally means “onioned”. It has lots of onions.
I was able to hang our clothes out to dry finally. Dry bath towels for at least a day…did we mention it rains a lot during the “rainy season” in the “rain forest”? Stuff just stays damp; kind of like camping damp.

Well, it was an active evening filled with important things. Shawn and Erik “juiced” again. I’m not talking about Barry Bonds, Mark Maguire type juicing but, rather, carrot juicing. When they realized you can buy over 2lbs of carrots for 51 cents they went crazy. 12 lbs and juiced about 8 of em’. We now have a fridge filled with carrot/mango or cucumber/lime/carrot juice. Whatever tickles your fancy.

After that we called in and listened to the first meeting of the new Albion Spanish congregation. It was really awesome; everyone did really well with their parts and there was an excitement in the air.

At about 9:45 pm Aaron and Keila and Jim and Robin arrived. It should be really enjoyable spending time with everyone. I sense we will have many more blog-worthy moments just ahead. They came bearing gifts-tons of Milagro mangos. Our bellies are full and our hands are sticky. Blog ya’ tomorrow, Jehovah willing.

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