Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 29 – The vaca has been replaced (remember that’s how the lawn got mowed?).

So Ryan put a new schedule in effect starting today: 2 people prepare comments for the daily text (we do it together every morning at breakfast), 2 people make breakfast and 2 people wash the dishes. We were assigned to text commenting, Keila y Aaron had breakfast, Ryan y Veronica dishes.  Can’t speak for the commenting, but breakfast was good and the dishes were clean so this schedule may work.
Leah took advantage of sun the past 2 days to do laundry. She’s convinced that as soon as she puts a load of laundry in the sky darkens, the clouds roll in and then it takes the next 5 days to dry the clothes. But today started off sunny right off the bat and stayed that way all day; hot and sunny, maybe around 85 degrees.

Jim & Robin brought Ryan a present. Very exciting! I would say he was the first one on the block to get one but I’d venture to say the first in the country.

We went in service in the afternoon.  Had a great first “official” study with Eliza in chapter 6 of the Bible teach book about the condition of the dead (a lot of people choose that chapter). We talked about the soul and she seemed to really understand the information well.  She lives up the steep hill (Shawn climbed last week with the boxes). This is a picture of the first part where my other study, Marisol lives. Then imagine climbing another steep incline twice as far and that brings us to Eliza’s house. Shawn had to bring the boxes another 20 minutes past there.
No story here just a really big bug!
Shawn and I worked with Josue (Pepe) in the ministry this afternoon. He is about 10 years old. His mother, Rosa,  is an unbaptized publisher in our congregation. We had a little time before his mother returned to the KH so Shawn and I went over some info in the "Learn from the Great Teacher" book. He did well. Well, that's about all for today. Have a great weekend and we'll see ya' all tomorrow!


  1. Love all the blogging! Thanks a lot!

    But... how did Jim and Robin get the lawnmower there???


    1. Hey, guys. It's simple really. Huge carry-on. The carry on weighed 300 lbs. Good hearing from you guys. We hope all is well. US
