Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 40 - Podocarpus

We took advantage of a beautiful, sunny day (and the last day of Carnaval) to visit Podocarpus, a National Park about 25 minutes from our house. Podocarpus is the name of a local tree. They grow to about 160’ tall, and up to 9’ across at the base. They also live about 800 years, given, of course, that they eat right and do moderate exercise. According to one of the park workers, the park is home to more than 4,000 different varieties of trees and over 2,000 varieties of orchids. Unfortunately, the majority bloom from April-November. We did catch a few, however.

Recent heavy rains caused a “derrumbe” and the road entering the park was completely washed away.  So, we parked about 30 walking minutes away and made the hike to the park entrance. 

Fortunately (or perhaps, unfortunately) for Jim, the park rangers had a dirt bike and offered Jim a ride to the entrance. It was a pretty scary ride-no guardrails, lots of tree roots and a shear drop off the sides. We found him waiting for us near the entrance looking cool as a “pepino”. 

The park has a lot of rare birds as well as an incredible variety of butterflies in every shape, size and color. We mean a lot of butterflies.

One variety is deep black and electric blue on the top side of its wings but on the bottom side it has red, black and white with the numbers “98” or “89” (look closely).

                                            This is part of the path leading to the waterfall.
Taking a rest hiking up to the waterfall

We hiked about 20 minutes to this waterfall. The water took your breath away at first but then we didn’t want to get out. As we reached the falls the water really beat down on us. We spent about an hour there and eventually a bunch of other people arrived.

We brought crackers to snack on. I mean, what are we supposed to do, bring a huge “olla” filled with food? Would that really be convenient?

Hiking snack Ecuadorean style
Remember, it was a 30 minute hike just to get to the park entrance, and then another 20 minute hike to the waterfall…and not all that easy. Please don’t think I am criticizing-I was totally jealous.

Anyone see "Robin Hood-Men in Tights"?

After we finished our uninspiring crackers we hiked to the river to eat our pasta salad (you didn’t really think Leah and I would have just brought crackers, did you?)

We ate on rocks above the river and then of course waited the recommended 2 minutes to let our food settle before jumping in. Yeah, we didn’t wait long enough but at least it was a flowing river. Anyway, the water was awesome, really clean, crisp and refreshing. Even Robin couldn’t resist.
Leah is getting more adventurous every day!
Forgot the name of this, but the bears like to eat it and
sometimes it grows way up high in the trees.
Don't worry, we didn't shrink Leah. But I now where a XXXXXXXL t-shirt.
About 2:00 we started to head back to the car. We were stoked to get some street food from a brother in the Zamora congregation but his stand was closed, like just about everything else in town. Nobody in the park was celebrating Carnaval but if there was any doubt that it was still going on, they were removed on the drive home. Every time we slowed down for a speed bump, little kids on each side of the street would drench your car with hoses and buckets. If your windows were open you’d get a shower; closed and you’d get a free carwash.

Tomorrow it’s back to the ministry. We are all anxious to get back into the routine. Hopefully, the water balloon supply has been exhausted. If not, we have our slickers. The last thing we want to hear is “you should’ve worn your slicker”.
                                  I think someone may have swallowed too much river water!
                                                   (I found this when I was uploading pictures.
                                                  "Someone" filmed it while I was doing laundry.)


  1. Ja jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja, is 2 late for what jajajajajajaja

  2. The pictures r AWESOME and keep getting better! Now we can call Leah, "little" Leah. N the video is halarious! Man I would have loved to have gone there. Looks so beautiful n super fun!

  3. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

    1. I assume you are laughing at the picture of the butterfly and not the video of my awesome remake of Carol King's "It's Too Late". Say hi to the family.

  4. Do you seriously have goggles on? What is that? You're a hot mess down there!
