Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 33 – Cinnamon…black pepper…what’s the difference?

7:36am Breakfast is served, oatmeal with papaya-typical until the following conversation ensues:
Ryan: Mom are you sure you didn’t put pepper in here?Robin: Of course not. It said cinnamon on the container.Shawn: You know the pepper is in a container that says cinnamon right?Robin: No. Why would it be in there?Shawn: I thought this tasted a little funny. I wrote pepper on there but it wore off.Robin: Well then, maybe I did & maybe some got more than othersRyan: Mine got a lot (and then he proceeded to eat it all anyway)
Personally we didn’t taste it, but Aunt Chickie used to put black pepper in her chocolate cookies and I liked them so maybe that’s why.

Service in the Quebrada today. I worked with Monica Ordonez y Gina Sanchez (she was my householder for my talk the first week we were here. I had another good study with Merci. She really did well understanding the information we studied today about the difference between causing and permitting. Although she still seems to have the idea that God allows us to suffer if we’ve done something wrong, but we’ll get to that later.
Erik & Jim giving a witness
Shawn, Jim & Erik

Erik went with Shawn and they drove up the mountain behind where we live with Jim & Ryan. So the pics of the view from where we walked yesterday is where they were today, taking pics across the valley (if that makes any sense?) Then they got to the end of the road – at least for them. This landslide had made the road completely impassable.

Ryan & I made tacos for lunch. They were yummy – I just need to find somewhere to buy my masa so I can make corn tortillas.
Relaxing afternoon – laundry, reading, surfing, paying bills, siesta-ing.
We walked into Cumbaratza for a little exercise (mainly bc the little store in the Quebrada just got sold and now it seems like they don’t have any of the staples we normally run down and get, like tomatoes and cilantro.)  Then came home and made pasta with fresh tomatoes, garlic, olive oil and basil (that a sister may have “taken” from a bush at a not at home this morning) but that didn’t seem to bother the conscience of anyone. I was pretty excited to find basil bc up until now it was nowhere to be found.  And we had parmesan cheese! Yeah!
We ate brownies that Robin & Shawn made while we skyped Ricky & Leah and the kids. Talked to Michelle and Linda too! While we were talking to Linda we heard something outside r window. It took a minute to register (bc our BR is in the back of the house) but it was some guy speaking Spanish. Erik wasn’t sure who he was looking for or if Ryan maybe knew him. Unfortunately Ryan was in the shower outside, so we went and got Shawn, by then the guy was in front of the dining room window. Erik put on the light, but Shawn didn’t know who he was. So they sent him on his way, I think he was drunk and lost.

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