Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 38 - Ministry "gringo" style

We decided to bite the bullet & preach this morning despite it being “Carnaval”. We decided it was better to go do our studies and RV’s and take the chance of getting wet, than sit around the house (maybe everyone would still be sleeping from a late night of partying, right?) So we drove to our calls/studies and some of us waited in the car and then we drove to the next one (hey, we’re not that brave).  It felt a little weird, probably the most to Veronica (the rest of us have at least done it before). But we had a great study with Marisol and then some RV’s in Namirez. Shawn had his study with Yohann, Veronica & Robin studied with America & Maria. We had a very productive morning & nobody got wet!

Robin discovered the washer was not working (after putting her clothes & soap in) and was a “bit” anxious to get it fixed. She asked Shawn how long before it would get fixed & could we call someone. I thought to myself “does she remember we r in the middle of the rainforest in Ecuador. Does she think the Maytag repair guy does house calls here?” When she realized it wouldn’t be fixed anytime soon, she washed the clothes by hand in the kitchen sink. (Shhh….don’t tell Veronica)

Robin & I decided to take our chances again after lunch & go for a walk.  Our road is pretty quiet, so we figured we’d be ok if we stayed away from town and the main street (but what do we know, right?).  This holiday makes you super paranoid of everyone you see outside or with something in there hand, including little kids. We had a nice walk and were on our way home, about 10 minutes from home when we passed a little girl (maybe 7 or 8) wielding her water balloon, looking for prey.

So I looked her in the eye and said, “tirelo a tu hermanito, no a nosotros”.
To which she answered “no”
So I said, “mira, mi amiga es viajita, seria una falta de respeto tirarlo a ella”
To which she responded “entonces tu”
So I maturely responded “Yo se donde vives.
Puedo volver mas tarde” (I know where you live and I will come back later).
Robin didn't realize Leah had called her an old lady, but she stayed dry.
Obviously I’m not very intimidating because as we walked away she chucked it at my feet and then ran inside to get another one and follow behind us. At which point I asked Robin if she could run for a little bit, so we did and avoided a second attack.

Shawn & Erik played it safe (& dry) with a friendly game of ping pong – Hey we gotta do something when we’re stuck in the house.

The boys were eagerly anticipating Ryan getting home bc he had promised to make fried chicken. It was good & I made a salad with avocados, onion, tomato, ciliantro & lime juice to go with the rice.

Skyped mom & dad and watched a movie.


  1. very, very mature. now we all know what you called Robin. ha ha

  2. That avocado salad looks awesome. And so does the chicken.
