Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 27 - How quickly the weather changes in the rainforest

Crossing the bridge in Namirez
Finally we had a somewhat sunny day.  I’m really not sure how anyone gets their clothes dry here. We preached in a part of Namirez that we hadn’t been to yet. That usually means we went up the mountain. We had really good success in town but up the mountain it got a little tougher because of the influence of the church. Hablamos con una señora que me dijo que nuestra biblia no dice lo mismo como la de ella. Le pidió por que pensaba eso. Me dijo “porque mi padre nos dijo eso en la misa”. Que triste.
This is how u had to cross the river before they built the bridge
Shawn, Aaron, Keila preaching in Namirez

Resident pig of Namirez
Leah & Keila witnessing to a woman working in her field

Erik & Aaron witnessing to a man passing by on his horse
On the way home we stopped at Hermana Cristinita’s house for our customary glass of jugo de Membrillo (somewhat tart fruit that she blends with water, sugar, papaya and banana). It’s really good but sits pretty heavy in the belly. Then we visited Merci for her first bible study and she did very well-chapter 1 of Ensena book, the first 7 paragraphs. Merci has 9 sisters and 3 brothers. Leah told her she had a brother and sister and she just laughed. She said I had a big family-6-and they all laughed again. A bunch of her sisters came out during the study-I think just to hear the gringa speak-and then they could hardly control their laughter as Leah spoke English.

We stopped home for a quick lunch and headed back out at 3:00. Despite the pouring rain we had a productive afternoon. We worked in the Santa Rosa/Los Almendros/Timbara area. Alexandra had her third study in chapter 6 (What is the condition of the dead) and Leah did a RV on Raquel (received a paradise tract 2 weeks prior). They stood out in the rain while considering the tract and reading half a dozen scriptures. Leah was impressed with how well she understood the info.

Veronica’s study Jessica couldn’t believe that Satan is the god of this system of things. You could see on her face that that concept went against everything she was always taught and she fought accepting that. But the scriptures in John surprised her-she’ll come around if she’s hungry and humble.

Ryan and I went to visit Don Byron. Don is not a name. It is a respectful title. He has a big beautiful home in town and he received us very hospitably a couple of weeks ago. His wife had just gotten home from work and invited us in. Ryan asked her which of the questions on page 6 of the Bible Teach book interested her the most. She chose #2

Came home at 8pm – Tired, wet, but happy!

A tamale, a humita & a cup of tea and we were ready for bed.

Believe me, it looks much worse in person!
So for some bizarre reason Leah didn’t put bug repellent on her legs. Not sure what she was thinking – or wasn’t. She got chowed at the house where we meet for service in the am (there are tons of fruit around and what look like fruit flies but they’re aranillas (sp?) and you don’t even realize they’re biting u til later) She stopped counting at 50!

Guess what this fruit is called? - Teta de vaca, you don't eat it, just for decoration


  1. I want one! That is awesome. Do they come in other colors? Is it like a guord?

  2. Hi, I am in a little town near Montanita and thinking of going to Zamora to serve. I would love to connect personally with you guys. My email addy is I have questions that only someone who has "been there--done that" can answer. I also served in Nicaragua and in the Corn Islands, so don't worry, I don't scare easy....Jehova bendice! Paula
