Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 31 –It snowed like crazy!

...In Rochester. Leigh King sent this to us today.

Here it was about 85 and sunny so we went to the pool after service. By the way...that's Robin Sisson under the water.

I should never have swum (yes, least according to the auto correct option) the crawl because my back is burned like cuh-razy!

But, we’ll take it. As you can see I had to Blog shirtless, which normally would frighten women and children but it's just me and Leah. Just one comment about Ecuadorean male swimwear. It’s cute that the little kids can just swim in their underwear-no biggie. But adult men in tighty whiteys?!? Do you know what happens when they get wet? C’mon! At a public pool? Needless to say, we will not be including any photos of that.
We can’t believe that a month has already gone by. It seems that it has been a good decision to come here. We are really enjoying the pace of life-haven’t driven nor talked on a cell phone in 4 weeks and don’t miss it a bit. Of course, being connected through the internet has made it that much easier. The high speed service here has been excellent.
Well, Aaron and Keila left for Milagro this morning. It was good spending time with them again. We are back down to just 2 Sisson kids in the house.

This morning we had Marisol’s study-what an excellent study. We were there for 2 hours; why leave? She is a real thinker. I asked her “what do you think about Jehovah allowing Job to suffer the way he did?” She said it bothered her at first. But then she started thinking about other scriptures that she had learned like Jehovah being an examiner of hearts and 1 Corinthians 10:13 (Jehovah will not let us be tempted beyond what we can endure). Isn’t it great when bible students don’t just shake their head yes to everything? It gives you the idea they are really serious about it. She is really on the right track, and really sincere. What a privilege to be able to study with her. At the end of the study she asked if we like Papaya-we seem to get a lot of Papayas gifted to us. Have you ever had a really ripe Papaya? It’s so hard to share. But we did. 
For dinner we made Dominican potato salad with red beets (thanks Ann Marie, everyone loved it), more beets and Papaya for dessert.
Ryan and Veronica had a really nice study tonight so they just got home (8:15). Their study lasted a couple hours as well. There seems to be a lot of potential for growth here-if any of you should have the desire to serve where the need is greater, the scenery is beautiful and the fresh fruit is incredible.  
Lynnie and Derrick Skyped us tonight. Derrick was looking quite “snuggy warm”. Yes, I mean “snuggy”. Chuck Knoll would be ashamed, dude! So did Yanidza Ramos and Joyce Jones and Fidel and Bibi. It was really nice hearing from everyone.

Stay in touch.


  1. Hola mi hermano de diferente madre, espero que esten bien con la ayuda de Jehová. No he escrito mucho pero siempre veo lo que mandan y de verdad que se los agradesco mucho. Que bueno que nos mantienen al tanto de lo que hacen, aunque bastante diferente pero tambien lo disfrutamos. Saboreo la comida pero no me lleno Bueno cuidense, los quiero. BYE

    1. Hermano de otra madre, un millon de disculpas que no pueden saborear la comida. Es que tienes que hablar con Google y hacer una queja. En este tiempo de avances tecnologicos, debe poderse hacerlo. Los queremos tambien,NOSOTROS
