Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 41 - Someone has ants in her pantalones!

We went in service in the morning in Namirez. We had 9 of us which was a really good group. Erik & I worked together and did a lot of Erik’s RV’s. I think we found 4 of them home, plus lots of animals too.

Why did Leah put this picture next to the paragraph about me?
 Is she calling me a...? I'm glad I edit these things.
Erik has been trying to get his haircut for over a week now. It’s not as easy as you think. Everyone cuts their family’s hair and none of the wives were eager to try out their skills on Erik (or maybe it was the other way around.) There’s a place in Zamora about 10-15 minutes away but Ryan says she uses dull scissors that rip your hair out. In Cumbaratza there’s a name of a woman that keeps coming up, Yolanda, but of course she has no sign because she does it on the side. So around noon we asked the Vivancos if they could drop us off in town to find Yolanda and then we could walk home. But after asking at 2 different places Victor thought was correct and finding a different Yolanda and a NH at the other Victor took us home. It’s been 5 weeks since his last haircut and he’s getting pretty anxious. Shawn only has a really short guard on his clippers but if Erik can’t figure this out soon he may just shave it all off-Yikes!

We met for service in the afternoon in Santa Rosa and the sky started clouding up nicely (of course –because every time we work in this area it rains. I’m not kidding). Sure enough by 5:15 the sky was black and 2 bolts of lightning shot down and then a super loud roar of thunder (that's not really normal here - rain yes, thunder/lightning no). Fortunately, Veronica and I were under a roof waiting for her study to get home from work. She never got home but a man delivering something to the store across the street noticed us and came over to ask for the magazines. Turns out he lives a few hours away in Vilcabamba and studies with a brother there.

Erik, Robin & Diana also were on a study for the torrential rain so they didn’t get soaked either. But Robin didn’t exactly have everything go her way. Although she did well with her presentations, while Erik was speaking with a gentleman, she happened to look down after a bit of discomfort. Much to her chagrin, she had been standing on an anthill and had angered the “neighborhood”. They were all over her feet biting her but by the time she realized it was too late. Pobrecita! When the Bible says “Go to the ant”, it doesn’t mean dance on their house when you get there.  Erik had another run in with the police-but this time it was his fault. He was preaching the block where the police station was. He walked in and 3 policemen (maybe the same ones) were at a table playing cards. He began his presentation this way: “I can see you are involved in official business, so I’ll be brief” (Not exactly out of the Reasoning book). They accepted the magazines but never cracked a smile.

I was a little worried about the house flooding with all the rain, but we had left Jim home to “guard”-Poor Jim.  It did flood and worse than last time. I’m not sure how long he had been mopping and dumping buckets. He said by the time he took one of the big buckets out to dump and came back inside the other one was overflowing. Incredible! We spent the rest of the night sweeping/mopping and drying our room. Couldn’t wait to go to sleep.

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