Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 30 – Is this the rainforest or the flood of Noah’s day?

5:09am – The chancho started his slow seemingly painful demise

5:13am – still dying

4 or 5 minutes may not seem like that long, but when you’re lying awake listening to a screaming sow it feels like an eternity! Why can’t they just smash it on the head or something.

Preaching in the deluge
We met for service in Cumbaratza this morning. No sun, but no rain….oh wait…now it’s pouring! We did walking territory in town.  We placed quite a few mags, Erik got an older man that was getting in his car to leave and  so Erik was gonna leave him a tract and the man said “I usually read the Awake. I like when it has articles about Science and nature.” So Erik left him the mags. After 2 hours, we had finished our 3 manzanas (blocks) and were completely soaked (if you can see Erik’s pants they change color as you look down). We left with Shawn and he found a study home on the way back to the house.

Ryan & Jim sweeping the water out the door
Everything was flooded…not just outside….but inside.  I mean inside our house here. The dining room, living room, our bedroom, the extra room where Aaron and Keila slept. We came home to find everything moved around and people mopping. Fortunately nothing got ruined. But the chair in our room that we put the computer in sometimes had a puddle in it. I guess this happens when it rains a lot.

Got everything  swept, mopped, dried and put back together for lunch.  It’s a weird ironic twist of fate that the pigs that don’t want to die end up on my plate, yes there he was again. Along with rice, yucca, and patacones (made with green bananas) and a salad – Delicious carb fest!
Water went out – everyone a little antsy to take a shower before meeting. Fortunately it went back on around 4pm.

Meeting at 5:30, brother came from Loja Oriental with his family to give the talk & then Erik conducted the WT.  Not sure how many were there, but always at least 10 studies.

Came home to family puzzle time. I guess the family that puzzles together stays together. Tea and yummy pastries Aaron & Keila brought home from Loja today. The boys gave up after a little while and left Keila and Veronica determined to finish...just not tonight.

Skyped Rubiel & Leobardo.

Water is out again – It’s strange how  it becomes normal.  Good night - have to be up early tomorrow - we're on dish duty!

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